Travelling can be accessible to you even if you don't have a very large budget to spend on it. The costs of a trip can be totally affordable if you take the time to choose your destination well. There are destinations that are not known by everyone and require very little money. In this article, we are going to propose you a list of 6 destinations for your next vacations, they will be original destinations. We will then conclude with some tips for cheap travel.
Six cheap vacation destinations
There are different destinations in the 4 corners of the world, to which you can go on a budget. Below, we will introduce you to 6 original and cheap destinations.
- Bulgaria,
- Poland,
- Cambodia,
- Thailand,
- Peru,
- Colombia.
Bulgaria is a country that offers breathtaking landscapes, a coastline of the Black Sea, mountains and rivers. If you are interested, you should know that the trip to Bulgaria can be done at low prices. The main reason for the cheap prices is that life in Bulgaria is 40 % cheaper compared to France. This gives you the opportunity to enjoy your trip at half price.
Still in Europe, Poland is known as one of the cheapest countries on the continent, so take the opportunity to go there and visit it. Poland is also known for its medieval architecture, it is a place to visit at least once. To get there, you can use the plane. From France, you can choose among 5 destinations in Poland. When you arrive there, hotels and accommodations are at a really interesting price.
Cambodia is a country located in Asia. Life there is cheaper than France by 44 %. If you are looking for a cheap destination in Asia, Cambodia is among the most affordable. You will be able to find hotels at 10 € per person per night.
Thailand is the land of tropical beaches, temples and royal palaces. It is a travel destination that will make you discover landscapes that you will not find anywhere else. The Thai people are very friendly. Moreover, the cost of living there is almost half the cost in France. You can find cheap accommodation easily.
Peru is located in South America. Like the previous countries, the cost of living in Peru is lower. You will be able to be lodged and fed with a small budget there. The first thing to visit should be Machu Picchu.
Colombia is also located in South America. The cost of living is almost the same as in the previous countries. You will enjoy the Colombian beaches and landscapes and the accommodation will cost you twice as much.
Cheap travel destinations: price ideas
After presenting you 6 countries to which you can travel without worrying about money, we will give you an idea of the prices of the services there.
Destination | Price of a simple meal | Rate for a room | Round trip ticket price |
Bulgaria | 6 € | between 30 € and 80 €. | 38 € |
Poland | 7 € | between 30 € and 50 €. | 29 € |
Cambodia | 3 € | between 10 € and 30 €. | 350 € |
Thailand | 3 € | between 15 € and 30 €. | 350 € |
Peru | between 3 € and 5 €. | between 15 € and 30 €. | 450 € |
Colombia | between 3 € and 5 €. | between 15 € and 30 €. | 450 € |
It's true that airfare to destinations outside of Europe is much more expensive, but you'll notice that all other costs is cheaper in Asia and South America.